hi, im jasper! (picture of me on the left. dont mind the finger.)
i like art, and music. I like to express myself creatively through unconventional means.
This website is just one of my many projects, but its definitely one that im incredibly
passionate about. i taught myself how to code in just 2 days about 4 years ago, and have been
chiseling away at this website ever since, shaping it into what it has become right now.
(and in another year, it will probably look completely different.)
ive suffered a lot throughout my life with mental issues, and have consistently struggled
to fit in with people. In a way ive come to embrace that, which is why in my art
i tend to depict things that dont appeal to many people. i like to make things weird.
i dont really care for being very well known, as long as my work finds the right
audience and can at least resonate with a few people, than thats all that matters.